Friday, February 18, 2011

Week 7, a week of practicality...

We have been brought to technology based teaching and learning step wise. I am very happy to be a part of this course. I have learned many technology based ideas which will definitely help me support my school-teachers and students.I am gaining much from the different articles provided on the assignment page. One of the articles this week, enlightened the concept of "Learner Autonomy". I read such article for the first time in my life. It gave me great ideas about how to enable learners work within and  beyond the selected boundaries of the syllabus. I am planning to work with my students with this pattern. A student can find more information other than the book, from news papers, TV etc. for a selected topic in the school course.
Computers are often used in big schools, especially in big cities. However, they are very rarely used interactively for teaching lessons in classrooms. I found it this week that one computer can play one special role in a class if teacher is willing to work. We often claim for having no many computers inside classrooms but now I realized that even one single computer is enough for efficient learning with an able teacher.
I was very happy to develop a lesson plan regarding the usage of one computer for students inside the class.

This lesson plan is as follows:

"This idea of "one computer lesson" looks very helpful for us and we can use it easily in our school. Activities such as vocabulary, grammar, listening voices may be very useful and easy tasks to be performed with the help of one computer lesson.
Below is the lesson plan for teaching vocabulary with the help of a 7-10 minutes video which will also be used as a listening exercise.

Lesson plan
class---9 (14-15 years old students)
duration 50 min.
materials-- , Pencils, board, chart, One computer.

ABCD Objectives: After listening to an expert in a video teaching vocabulary about garden (Condition), students in class 9 (Audience) will make sentences on words related to a garden (Behavior) on a blank page on MS Word that includes fill in the blanks too (Degree).

Introduction-reviewing of the previous lesson "Words in Hospital", teacher will bring the attention of the students to garden and related words to garden providing some key vocabulary and websites.

After making four groups Students will be shown the video. Each student having a blank page and pencil, will note the key words along with their meanings. After watching the video for the secong time, students will discuss the key words with each other within the groups. Each student will make sentences on the words orally. Every student will then come to the computer and answer 3 questions and will fill 5 blanks on a word document. The page will be saved with the student's name on the desktop. This process will be continued for rest of the students.

Evaluation--Each group will be asked to write 5 words from today's video-lesson on a chart sheet. The next group will be invited to write meanings with the words and the process will be repeated for each group.

Lessons learned--Students will learn how to use nouns, verbs, etc in sentences. They will also observe technology used for the exercise. They will get some more information about websites i.e.,
I welcome every suggestion from every one!"

Sihanatha and I will be working together on creating blogs for the coming days. I am glad I will be learning from Sihanath's experience.


  1. Dear Naqib,
    I also feel happy to be in this group as we've been learning so many useful and practical things we can apply in our classrooms the very next day.
    The term autonomous learner is very much used in the latest Greek curriqula (after all, it's a Greek word)and it is (or should be) the aim of every teacher to make him/her self redundant and his/her students autonomous. Actually, that's what each student will do later on in his/her own life. Each student has to be able to carry out research, to download and select the appropriate info to use. Consequently, the sooner learners start working like this the more effective they will be. Certainly working with WebQuests can do that.
    About your lesson plan, I find it well structured,clear and easy to follow. It's really amazing what we can do in our classrooms with the use of one computer only. I (like you) used to complain about not having access to a computer lab. Now I realize that we can make the most of what we have.And that's what I'm planning to do.
    See you on line

  2. Yes, I agree with you that this week is very practical since we can all learn from others' lesson plan. I wonder if you can add the link to the video mentioned in your plan. I am sorry if I miss it.

  3. Hi Naqib

    I agree with you in a lot of things you have written here. First, I am also very happy with the amount of knowledge and experience we gained from this course and am planning to make best use of it by applying it my classes. Second, I also learnt a lot of new things about learner autonomy by reading the articles and taking part in the discussion. Besides, a teacher can make the same or more use with one computer as with 20 computers to make learning effective, if the teacher is smart. I learnt that also from this course.


  4. Dear Naqib,

    Thank you for your post here. As you said, this is a great program as we learnt many practical and necessary solutions we can apply in our classes. Your lesson plan for teaching vocabulary through a video is also very practical. However, it can be better to provide a link if there is so that I can also use it in my class.

    Thanks a lot

  5. Hi Naqib
    You say: "now I realized that even one single computer is enough for efficient learning with an able teacher." That is not a small insight, but a very powerful one.
